You will find a lot of material on USMLE test-taking strategies. However, you must remember that USMLE is a dynamic Exam. It does not leave a lot of scope for shortcuts. Any amount of research on tips for success in USMLE won’t replace methodical, meticulous preparation.
Still, it will be very beneficial for you to go through this write-up. What follows is more than an enumeration of tips and tricks to crack USMLE. This intends to give you a clearer picture, an advantageous perspective.
Significance of USMLE Step 1
The USMLE changes 2022 will result in a major alteration in the way and the extent to which the USMLE Step 1 affects a candidate’s assessment. Putting it simply, from being competitive, USMLE Step 1 became a qualifying exam. In other words, USMLE Step 1 transformed into a ‘pass/fail’ test. Consequently, the USMLE test-taking strategies will have to change. The onus of scoring and rank deciding will fall on USMLE Step 2 CK & USMLE Step 3. However, this does not take anything away from the weightage of USMLE Step 1.
It will be nothing short of a blunder if one assumes that she should focus more on the preparation of Steps 2 & 3. On the contrary, the USMLE Step 1 is more important than the other 2 steps. Firstly, the preparation for USMLE Step 1 is fundamental to USMLE preparation.
If anything, a proper USMLE Step 1 preparation ensures your success in the other steps. Secondly, even if it becomes a qualifying test, getting the passing score in USMLE Step 1 is mandatory. And, doing that is in no way a walk in the park.
Our advice is that you must treat USMLE Step 1 as the most important Step in the entire USMLE procedure.
Start early
Another one of the USMLE test-taking strategies is related to the point where you should start preparing. We have said elsewhere that USMLE is not at all about storing and reproducing information.
One can’t expect to succeed unless she understands every concept of basic science related to medicine. Moreover, she has to be an expert at analyzing and integrating these concepts. Anything and everything you learn during your graduation feature in the USMLE, directly or indirectly.
Therefore, the right time to start your preparation for the USMLE is as soon as you decide to give it a go. The sooner, the better! When you start your preparation, the way you assimilate the information you get in your Medical Institution changes. This ideally should start with the information you get in the first class of your medical school.
Choose your study support system very carefully
You must realize one fact at the outset. You will definitely require USMLE study resources to perform in the exam. This is, by far, the most significant among all USMLE test-taking strategies. The nature of the exam is such that you need to train your mind to think in a particular way. That is possible only when you have a tailor-made, authentic, and relevant study resource.
You need to take the decision to adopt a USMLE study package carefully. There is a lot of content available. Sometimes, aspirants tend to pile up a lot of material from different sources that serve different purposes. More often than not, these folks end up not studying any exhaustively.
That is a mistake. The most commendable thing to do will be to choose a USMLE support program that is complete and balanced. Then, you should go all out and complete the course from beginning till end.
Tracking progress
Enough stress can’t be laid on the significance of this virtue. It is common knowledge that success in an academic endeavor requires planning. You must have a relevant, realistic schedule and you must adhere to it. This is the best strategy for USMLE Step 1, and for the other USMLE Steps as well.
However, truly keeping track of your progress in the preparation requires a support system. This support system should be a well-thought-out scheme of tests and reports. In other words, the system should test you at regular intervals and provide a detailed analysis of your performance.
Then, it should maintain a record of your performance and draw inferences. The training system should then guide you based on the tracking. This is exactly how the MOKSH USMLE module works.
Practicing in real-time
Any amount of studies won’t help you much if you do not practice full-length mock tests based in real-time. Attempting these real-time mock tests prepares you for the USMLE like nothing else.
The online USMLE practice tests are the best because that is very different from doing it on pen and paper. You should always practice with tests like NBME practice tests.
Make sure you create stress by giving yourself 15-20 minutes less than what you get in the real test. Time is a crucial factor and you have to come out of your comfort zone to perform on the day of the real test.
Perseverance & consistency
These 2 factors are crucial for preparing for any exam that is worthwhile. Many aspirants, who are driven by the shimmer of the dream of a medical career in the US, start preparing for the USMLE. But after starting with a lot of zeal, things go slack. The best way is to start at a reasonable pace that you can feasibly sustain.
Consistency has a more subtle contribution to a successful effort. Consistency is very important for a prolonged endeavor like USMLE. If you really wish to meet short-term and long-term preparatory targets, consistency is very crucial.
You can find answers to most of these questions on our website. Visit our pages on USMLE, USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, & USMLE Step 3.
USMLE® is a joint program. The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) are co-sponsors. None of the trademark holders have affiliation with MOKSH Academy or this website.
ACGME® is a registered trademark of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
The ECFMG® is a registered trademark of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.
The Match® is a registered service mark of the National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP®). The NRMP has no affiliation with MOKSH Academy.
Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS®) is a program of the Association of American Medical Colleges. It has no affiliation with MOKSH Academy.
Test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders have an affiliation with MOKSH Academy or this website.